SIPs can be used for:
- Residential buildings
- Commercial buildings
- Industrial buildings
- Specialised buildings: Hotels, Schools, Hospitals, Churches, etc.
- Extension of the existing buildings — horizontally and vertically
SIPs are suitable for ANY type of geographical area:
- Mountainous
- Hilly
- Plain
Residential buildings
SIP provides the best possible construction techniques for a new home. By offering a perfect insulated structure, with very low household bills, modifiable room space and a quick and predictable build program, SIP meets the stringent standards and is officially recognized by all industry bodies.
Commercial / Industrial Buildings
- Flexible design — any modifications can be easily completed (existing spaces can be both divided or expanded as needed)
- Fast construction method — quick execution
- Cost efficient solution
Specialized Buildings – Public Sector
By demanding low U-value and low long term running costs, the Public Sector ensures that the buildings they commission, offer not only the best value for money, but also deliver industry’s best practice in respect of environmental and socio-economic responsibility.